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Gift in your will (bequest)

A charitable bequest may allow you to leave a larger gift than you possibly could during your lifetime.

Types of gifts

Here are a few options:

  1. Residual bequest: a percentage or share of the remainder of your estate
  2. Specific bequest: a specific sum of money as a gift
  3. Specific asset: property, life insurance or any shares (such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds)

Be a part of an incredible legacy

Every gift in a will helps us realize our shared vision of a world free from diabetes. Your gift will help Canadians with diabetes live healthier lives and supports innovative research.

With the help of a financial advisor or lawyer you can include language in your will to specify that you would like to leave a gift in your will to Diabetes Canada.

Next steps:

  1. Speak to your family and loved ones about your wishes
  2. Speak to your lawyer or financial advisor about drafting or revising your will
  3. Include the appropriate wording in your will. Examples include:
    • “I direct my trustee to pay or transfer to Canadian Diabetes Association ___% of the residue of my estate.”
    • “I direct my trustee to pay or transfer to Canadian Diabetes Association the sum of $____.”


Our legal name is Canadian Diabetes Association. Diabetes Canada will also be accepted.

Our charitable registration number is 11883 0744 RR0001.

Let us know about your gift. It will give Diabetes Canada the opportunity to thank you and, more importantly, to discuss what you hope your gift will accomplish. Of course, we will respect your privacy and confidentiality. 


  Request a will kit  Visit the Diabetes Canada Willfora page


Contact us

For more information:

Kate Hicks
Senior Manager, Planned Giving
1-800-BANTING, ext. 5577 or 416-408-5577


*Gifts made to Diabetes Canada are also accepted.

Moira's story

"My father always wanted better for his kids, and now I want better for the next generation of people with diabetes."

Complete a letter of intent

Complete the form with your broker and return a copy to us to initiate your gift transfer.

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